Chain link fences are common in residential, agricultural, and commercial settings. They are typically made of a metal wire strung between posts on stakes. The fence may be woven or welded wire mesh attached to steel rails that create a sturdy support frame that is available in a variety of styles and materials including vinyl coated chain link fences.
Although chain link fencing is considered a durable, versatile and low-maintenance fencing product, it can harbor a variety of pests. As a result, it is important to know how to repair damaged chain link fences.
Reasons for damage of chain link fence:
Chain link fences are made up of welded or woven wire mesh designed to provide support for posts and rails. In fact, such fences are designed to prevent animals from digging tunnels under the fence to gain access to crops, gardens or other areas you do not want them in.
Chain link fencing is ideal for this purpose because it consists of uniform links that are difficult to dig under.
However, should a section of chain link fence become damaged, it may be difficult to repair. While there are many reasons why a section of chain link fence may become damaged, there are two main ones: the fence was damaged before installation and the fence was not installed correctly.
- If you notice damage to the fence before you install it, make sure you purchase new panels of chain link fencing before installing them. This can help prevent additional damage to the fence.
- If in doubt, consult with a fencing contractor to ensure you are installing the product correctly. While some of the newer chain link fence repairs are “easy-to-install,” it is still crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation and setup. This can help you avoid future damage to your fence as there are many things you could potentially do wrong during installation that could lead to further issues later on.
Tools and Materials required to chain link fence repair:
- Measuring tape
- Pencil or marker
- Spade, metal or wooden posthole digger (don’t use a backhoe)
- Fence repair wire and fence staples or fencing pliers and pincers (for attaching the wire to the fence)
Chain link fence repair steps:
If you notice damage to your fence before you install it, do not attempt to repair the section of fencing until after you have finished the entire installation process. This can help prevent additional damage to the fence. If you cannot replace the damaged section of fencing, you might consider using a temporary fence until you have time to repair the damaged section.
Once you have completed installing the chain link fencing, add additional support for the fence posts. This can help prevent further damage to your fence by helping prevent uprooting and sagging of your chain link fence due to excessive weight or weather conditions.
Step One: Untie the fencing
Remove your fence from the posts by untying the rope or wire and pulling it from the stake. If you do not run your fingers along the post to check for nail heads, you may accidentally rip out more of your fence.
Step Two: Remove the damaged section of chain link fencing
Tear out the damaged section of chain link fencing. Remove all nails that were used to secure this section of fencing to the stake and take them with you.
Step Three: Measure and cut the replacement fence piece
Measure the length of the fence that is missing. If your chain link fence is six feet high, purchase a piece of fencing that will extend the length of your current fencing by six feet.
Step Four: Secure the new section of fencing to the stake
Use the nails you removed previously to secure the new section of fencing to this stake and repeat until all stakes have a new section attached.
Step Five: Staple the fence to the stake(s)
Staple new fencing to all posts, so it lines up with the section of fencing that you tore down. This helps prevent your chain link fence from getting damaged because it will not be leaning against a post.
Step Six: Add additional support for the fence posts
Add an extra support for the fence posts using wood or metal strips that is at least 4 in. (10 cm) wide and 4 in (10 cm) long. This can help prevent your chain link fence from sagging and becoming damaged.
Once your fence is erected, it can be difficult to make repairs. However, if you take the time to repair the chain link fence promptly after damage occurs, you can prevent further damage and frustration in the future.
A chain link fence is an extremely common type of fencing that is highly recommended by most property owners. Many people also like this fencing as it can be installed quickly and easily with a few tools. When the fencing breaks in some way, however, it must be repaired to prevent accidents from occurring and to offer peace-of-mind. This can be done by using a sharpie or repainting the fence so that the broken area blends well with those around it.