September 7, 2024

Real Estate Video Marketing Tips to Sell Properties Like a PRO

Present-day property marketing is not the same as yesteryear.

Previously, people relied on real person accounts, pictures, and newspaper ads to pick a property. But now, they prefer taking a sneak peek into the property, no matter how far the property is.

Thanks to video marketing, the property selling process has become more personalized and less time-consuming. Your customers can conveniently check a property at Albany while sitting at a coffee shop in Alaska, 3,210 miles away.

So, what does this mean for a real estate professional like you? Yes, you are right – creating an impeccable video marketing campaign.

If you are looking for the best video real estate marketing tips, you are in the right place. The following sections highlight the three best video marketing strategies top real estate marketers follow while marketing their properties online.

The Top-3 Video Marketing Tips to Sell Properties Like a PRO

Here are the three tips you need to scale up your property video marketing efforts:

1. Give Your Customers a Virtual Tour of the Property

Research by Goldman Sachs predicts that VR in real estate might generate a whopping US$ 2.6 Billion by 2025. And in 2021, it is estimated that over 1.5 lac agents will use VR to sell properties worth US$ 5,000 annually. 

As modern-day homebuyers prefer to get a real feel of the property before buying it, you can leverage this technology to give your clients an immersive experience. In a survey conducted by the VRARA, 40.4% of property buyers said that panoramic tours of the property play a crucial role in influencing their purchase decision. 

2. Produce a Listing Video

Producing a listing video is beneficial for a reason – it allows you to receive 403% higher inquiries than an ad without a video. A listing video is much like an ordinary property video, except it contains a solid pitch to guide the client to the next step. 

Some real estate agents or builders use drones to shoot videos from a creative angle. However, if you are low on budget, a smartphone or tablet will be as good. You can use free video maker platforms like Invideo to create eye-grabbing property videos loaded with music and animations.  

3. Connect With Your Clients Through Live Q & A Session

Live streaming and Q & A sessions are excellent ways to connect with your customers and solve their queries. You can use top social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube to shoot a live video and answer clients’ queries. 

Some builders or agents hold live sessions with a client. Your prospective clients may like real interactions more than scripted dialogs. The more you connect with your audience, the better the reliability. But, ensure the discussion follows a set structure. Sometimes, online discussions may drift away from the topic, and you may see visitors leaving early.

If you want to retain your clients’ attention, it is vital to understand what they need and stay focused on the topic. 

Video Marketing is The Future! Scale Up Your Efforts to Shoot Up Prominence

Besides the tips mentioned above, you can also create recap videos or short clippings of a long video or live Q & A session and post them on your website or various social media channels. Also, you can produce community videos that describe the neighborhood. 

Now that you know what it takes to advertise your property like a PRO, ramp up your real estate video marketing efforts with InVideo to build a solid client base and sell properties quickly.


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