May 19, 2024

4 Amazing Birthday Gifts for Your Aviation-obsessed Partner

Choosing the right birthday gift for your significant other can sometimes mean the difference between their satisfaction and disappointment. After all, although it’s often said that feelings mean more than anything of material value, the truth is that a present for your partner is a sign of affection and gifting a proper one shows just how well you know them. But what to give to a loved one that has non-standard interests such as aviation? Fortunately, even in such a case, amazing birthday gifts can be found.

Although you most likely can’t purchase them a true airplane or a space shuttle, what you can do is cheat a little. If your significant other is an aviation-obsessed person, consider getting them a realistic video game about aviation such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, an RC drone, a model of their favorite jet plane, or even a LEGO Space Shuttle set. Read on and discover the world of aviation gifts!

Microsoft Flight Simulator Will Make Them Feel Like a True Pilot


Microsoft Flight Simulator is a legendary game that has always been a favorite for flight fanatics and anyone who wants to feel like a real pilot. It’s a great gift for your aviation-obsessed partner since it will allow them to experience air flight in a very realistic way. First released years ago, Microsoft Flight Simulator still retains its popularity thanks to its high level of realism and playability. 

In the game, you can choose from a variety of aircraft, ranging from small and simple biplanes to the biggest airliners ever produced. You can also fly in different scenarios and control weather conditions. In short, this amazing birthday gift allows you to enjoy the flight in a really realistic way, as if you were actually flying an airplane.

Of course, a video game such as Microsoft Flight Simulator requires additional tools for the best experience. As such, you might want to additionally get your plane-loving partner a flight stick, which is not necessarily cheap. However, if you are looking for an amazing birthday gift for your aviation-obsessed partner, you should consider investing in it – or using the latest coupon codes. After all, what better way to make them feel like a true pilot than by making sure they have all the tools needed to feel like one?

An RC Drone Will Make Your Aviation-obsessed SO Fly High

What’s better than a virtual airplane? An RC-controlled one, of course! An RC drone is an amazing birthday gift for your partner because it will allow them to experience the joy of flight without actually being in an aircraft. An RC drone is a great toy that can be used in a variety of ways. You can use it as a regular toy just to fly around your house, but you can also use it as a hobbyist or even as a professional device. An RC drone is a great way to practice flying without having to worry about physically endangering yourself. It’s also a great way to get the feeling of flying without actually having to go through all the formalities.

The only downside of an RC drone is that they tend to be pretty expensive, especially if you are looking for a high-end model. However, investing in an RC drone might just be worth it since it will provide your significant other with hours and hours of fun. Not to mention that they might use it professionally!

A Model of Their Favorite Plane Will Make Your Partner Happy

Gifting your aviation-obsessed partner with a model of their favorite jet, helicopter, or military aircraft is a great idea regardless of whether you have a certain budget in mind or not. It’s a nice and thoughtful gift that will definitely go a long way in showing how much you care about your loved one. A model airplane can be bought from a variety of different places, and the price range is quite wide. The most important thing when buying a model for your partner is that you thoroughly research the subject and make sure you know what you are getting. For instance, if your partner has a preference for an Airbus A320, you should get such a model, not an A380 or a 727.

If you don’t have enough knowledge on the subject, consider doing some research on models. You can even contact your partner’s friends and ask them for some advice on what model would be more appropriate. As with anything else, it’s better to take your time when buying a model since it might be your partner’s most cherished possession.

LEGO Space Shuttle Is a Great Gift for Aviation Enthusiasts

If you are looking for an awesome birthday gift for your wannabe flyboy loved one that’s affordable but also really fun, consider getting them a LEGO Space Shuttle kit. The kit includes over 2000 pieces and allows people to construct their own STS vehicle, as well as a mission-specific payload.

After it has been built, you can play with it for hours and even proudly display it in a glass cabinet for all to see. Needless to say, this toy will provide your partner with hours of fun and will teach them something new too! Alternatively, a different space vehicle should work too, but space shuttles are unique in that they land just like a normal plane would – possibly an important fact for your significant other.


Choosing the right birthday gift for your significant other can be difficult, regardless of the nature of their hobbies. However, if you are looking for a great birthday present for your partner with non-standard interests such as aviation, you can definitely find something to suit his or her tastes. With that in mind, all you need to do is carefully plan your budget and choose the perfect gift for them. If you want to show your love and care for your partner, consider one of these amazing birthday gifts! Good luck!

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